This here is a rare creature. She is a vampire but one that is considered a higher one. A higher vampire is stronger and has more capabilities along with they aren't as common. I do not have a name for her and she doesn't mind when I've been saying HV (higher vampire). There is a lot of heat that generates randomly off her vessel. This is when she's at work. She is able to mimic any human you ask her to. She has the ability to cause people confusion by doing this. Her ability to mesmerize humans is intense. This is a vampire who works a tad different in she doesn't just work and at her strongest in the dark. She has no issues with daylight and her powers are just as strong. This is a vampire who can outsmart other vampires. It is said she is a greater deal intelligent than the human race. Her psychic abilities allows her to see and cast into the future. She can destroy quickly or painfully and slow. This vampire is a one owner person and will become very attatched.