This vessel here is a rare male Nephalem. I'd suggest use him when absolutely needed. Otherwise leave his vessel be! There's going to be various degrees of energy coming off him since he is a Nephalem. This is a half demon and half angel which has capabilities of both but he is more neutral of his two worlds which makes him more dangerous than most. It is said demons and angels fear a Nephalem being the powers are stronger than either. Ultimate Judgement Is what he is known for. He decides what is going to be done to those you send him to. Remember the angelic side can also be a blessing and very beneficial if this is what he chooses. His appearance can take forms of birds all the way to crows with the darkest eyes you've seen. He has the power to heal or harm. Manipulate the environment we live in. Make one's reality completely warped. Take control of other peoples including non humans energy. Shapeshifting into anything of existence including a human clone. He is immune meaning nothing can beat him hence another reason to send out when truly needed.