This guy here has chose such an adorable vessel. You can put in a necklace, keychain or wherever you choose. He is a spirit for luck and his name is Abraham. This guy can be so serious or so funny it’s very interesting. Sometimes he thinks he’s a real ladies man but he just is more like laughable. Abraham was a VERY shy and non sociable person. He never had the confidence in pretty much all aspects of his life. He was awful at making friends even when others out fourth the effort. A relationship with a women HA HA don’t even ask, never came close to happening! He tells me he was a huge klutz and messed up anything he tried right from trying to work on things around the house, car, and even work. To many he was a laughable joke. Surprising that this never bothered him, or at least he tells me it didn’t. He didn’t leave the house often besides work in fear of what could go wrong. This guy won’t speak of his death so not to sure he’s aware he’s passed on.