This little lady here had me Beyond fooled. Interestingly I found her on the grass where are my son and I go fishing. My son naturally picked her up and I was unaware at the time she was spirited. Her name
Is Alana and she is a good psychic/medium. She was neither during her human life but always fascinated with this world that some call a taboo. Alana will tell you things that loved ones who are still here have to say. She also seems to see our near future and I’ve taken to her a few times when it came to some health issues and marital things in my life. Alana was a women who lived in a world that nobody knew of. Her husband was very mean to her but to friends and family he was a saint and so “perfect”. He often forced her to do things against her will. She was forced to bare a child even though she was not suppose to for health purposes. The delivery left her pralines and I’m a wheelchair. Once this happened the neglect really set in. Her husband would deprive her of food, not bathe her for weeks, and sometimes use physical force. These are all reasons Alana had hope in the world of mediums, psychic, and witches. She’d hoped one
Would save her but mine did as she was never able to meet one.