Alex~keep with you for protection

Alex~keep with you for protection

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Alex is a good spirit to keep you safe at all times, not only from the negative energies that walk the earth but the ones we can’t see. He has chosen a rosary because of his strict upbringing. His parents belonged to a group where all the church members lived in the same area. Isolated from the real world they were told what was acceptable and not acceptable in life. Alex beloved this was normal and if he ever spoke out against it or questioned he revived a beating. When Alex was 20 he snuck away from the group and realized there was a much BIGGER world out there that was very opposite of how he was raised. He left his family for good at 24 and they would disown him. He went on to get a real job which allowed him to buy things he never knew were possible. He experienced love for the first time and never wanted to let her go. When Alex came home to find his love murdered he had known his past life caught up with him. Filled with rage he set out to get payback. However he was no match for the group that remains a secrecy and ultimately had his life taken.