Alica loves to talk with her owner, she can chat all day. She will
Speak in all divination tools and loves coming in dreams. I’ve noticed she appears almost
Identical in dreams as the vessel. Alica was married with 4 children. She had a very good life. Her husband was a semi prob baseball player and a loving husband and wonderful father. She tells me being they were together since she was 17 she became bored by 27. She admits to having a couple affairs which she admired to her husband and he forgave her. She decided it was time for her to finally have a career for herself and stay busy. She got herself a job at a prison which her husband disagreed with, she however loved it. As she Tells me they aren’t that bad and just like us after all they are human. She couldn’t have been more wrong as one day in the prison she was attacked wow one on one with an inmate