So this lady here gives me the name Amin. She means business and serious business. Amin was from Libya and she lived in a time prior to the revolution there in 1969. She was married by her fathers consent at age 13 to a man who was 29. She tells me during the first year of her marriage she was scared, felt violated and hoped for help everyday. However, the help never came. Her husband expected her to bare 9 children and he wanted all boys. Each time a girl was born Amin was physically abused. Even though some of the abuse was to the point her whole body hurt, she was expected to get out of bed and do her suitors as a wife. She tells me she had no say as to when she wanted to be intimate with her husband. Her husband did not allow her to leave the home as this could possibly make her tempted to do things she’d “regret”. Amin never had a life of her own, it was spent raising children and being controlled. After her 9th child who was her 3rd girl her husband went on to find a new younger wife b Amin was still expected to be his main wife and obey. He was no longer home which she was happy about but the struggles began to kick in. She could barely control the children (especially the boys), food was always little in between and the kids
Often went to bed hungry. On hot days they had to walk and walk just to find water to cool off her she had to be careful nobody saw her. Amin sadly passed away from a medical issue that went undiagnosed or treated. Now, there is NO stopping this lady if you mess with those she loves. You will feel the consequences severely. Be careful with this spirit she does not play games