Andi is that spirit you can bring with you all the time so she can put her strong willed ways at work. She is a strong manipulator especially when she sees it’s something you really want. Andi was from a small southern town where the population was so small that everyone was family. She loved the closeness feeling yet disliked everyone knew all details about each other. She had a very different side to her that she had to keep a secret. She enjoyed getting pleasure from a variety of men. In order for nobody to find out she would have to venture off hundreds of miles from her hometown. Andi seemed to convince these men that they were the people one with no intentions of them really being the one. it seems she really enjoyed playing these games. When I ask Andi Why she did this also tell me is it gave her some thing to do. She did not have many female friends as it seems there were a few she did betray. Andi passed Away and one of her trips out of town, she almost feels someone set her up