This lady her is such a mood shifter in homes. She can work her little magic on anyone. Her name is Arabella, he told me over and over toast growing up like many little girls she wanted to be a princess. Her family was extremely poor and couldn’t afford nice things, And she always envied the beautiful rich girls. When she got older she became a seamstress, and she made the most beautiful gowns. What’s funny and sweet at the same time is she enjoyed wearing her gowns out just to feel like that princess she wanted to be. Arabella was one who marched to her own beat no matter what people thought. I feel this is one of the reason people just loved her. She was never married by engaged for over 5 years (doesn’t mention why they never got married). Her death was unfortunate and sudden. While working late one night on a dress for a very picky client (her words) she was exhausted and fainted. When she fainted she hit her head on one of the work tables which unfortunately killed her. Arabella is a good spirit to have in the home of you need a mood shifter.