This spirit needs to go to someone with anxiety. She gives me the name Armelle. Armelle says her childhood was filled with mental and sometimes physical abuse. Because of this she was an overly emotional woman and this often got in the way of her living her life because she felt things so deeply. Her relationships with friends and romantically never posted a year. Nobody could handle her emotional rollercoaster. She tells me one day her boss tried having a conversation with her and she had a complete meltdown and had to be escorted out of the building which then led to her freaking out even more and drawing the attention of many people. The cops ended up being called because she was causing a huge scene and while in jail she assaulted an officer (she tells me her mind was not in the right frame). The officers had to strap her down and send her to the hospital to be sedated, they kept her Locked up because whenever she would wake up she would start freaking out again. She believes the hospital over medicated her and that’s how she passed away.