Aaron is the spirit who literally takes you through the walk of your life in dreams. She is an astral projector spirit. What's super cool with her is she can put you into hypnosis OR dreams. Dealing with astral projections is a feeling of literally having an out of body experience. When you are shown the future it is up to you...move around the pieces or keep them. Aaron I am unsure of her age. She did have children young and was forced to marry. Her marriage was miserable but in her time there was no divorcing. Aaron suffered a lot through her marriage and one day couldn't take it anymore. She explains with very thought out planning and years of it she decided to run away. She went above and beyond to change her whole identity and literally started a new life. If she were ever caught consequences would be bad. She was able to pull this off for along time. Until her new found love discovered she was not Mary Lou like she had told him. When he went to turn her in and reveal where she was Aaron rather face death than her old life.