Bennett is a spirit that is very comforting for women. He makes you feel safe and you’ll find yourself smiling with him. This is most likely because Bennett never had a “relationship” in his human life. He had several female friends as he was outgoing but to them it was nothing more. He does tell me it was his geeky ways and being too nice. He tells me and I always agree, last guys finish last. Bennett says he was a computer geek and even after work hours would be on the computer trying to invent something new. He didn’t have really a group he called friends that actually invited him out so this pacified his time. Most of the time it was lonely but there wasn’t much he can do. When he finally met a women you would’ve thought he won the lottery. He was very dedicated and loving to her. Sadly this lasted a few months as she used him for a great amount of money. Bennett will talk about he wishes he could’ve had a family. What he doesn’t talk about is how he passed .