Boey is a great spirit to help with anxiety and depression. You can just carry her vessel around with you. Boey had a very good life until things changed in a flash of an eye. She had a successful career and was in a long term happy relationship. She enjoyed being very active And keeping her body and top notch shape.She also had a group of friends that were successful like her self so they often Attendant VIP events. When Boey was injured by a freak accident she became paralyzed from the ware down. She suddenly lost everything she knew and loved. He had to quit her job, the man she loved left her, friends disappears. The worst part of it all was since she was unable to care for herself she had to hire a live in care taker. Her life was absolutely miserable and she could barely wake up some days. In her mind there was nothing left to live for. It seems she passed from an accidental overdose of her pain meds although she doesn’t mind.