How freaking cute is Marie’s vessel! Even though this looks like a child vessel the spirit is NOT! She is a 40 year old female who actually said the vessel resembles her! Marie is a good spirit for harmony and balance in one’s life. Where things are out of whack is where she steps in. Things can even be so slightly all off and Marie will fix for you. Marie is good for even areas you think are good but really aren’t. Marie had a daughter that she lost at age 7 from a bicycle accident. From this point forward she quit her career and traveled to help children from all walks of life. She enjoyed visiting countries that lived in poverty and bringing something useful. Marie never got her own life back as she dedicated it to the daughter she lose. Marie didn’t care about companionship or friends enough to change her way of life. Those close to her worried for her mental health. They said being with so many children left her seeing her own child. She did go way off the deep end. Her death she has never said nor will I push to find out