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Caddie has chosen such a cute vessel and she is not a child spirit. This spirit is so awesome especially when it comes to encouragement. She is very support of us. Caddie grew up in a semi dysfunctional home. Her mother being an alcoholic and father not around often. She always tried her best to get both parents approval for things but it never went that way. Her mother could care less and her father barely knew what was going on. Caddie went on to pursue a PhD degree and they still had no interest. She carried around May deep emotions about her child hood. When she married and had children the decision was made to not let the grandchildren around this type of energy. She still has no regrets about this but says it was a sad situation. Caddie was a hands on mother and made it a point to always be there for her children. She also says her marriage had many up and downs but she made sure to work through them so the children could always have their father around. In her spare time she was a motivational speaker for those who come from broken homes. It amazes me how much this lady cares for others based off what she tells me, not a single selfish bone in her. Sadly Caddie was taken from complications of a surgery that was suppose to be easy. She has so much to talk with you about when it comes to helping with day to day life and also planning in general with life goals. She likes to make little thumps on the walls. She also has turned off my fan a couple times. I’ve seen full body apparitions and shadows. I’ve also seen white orbs near her vessel. My cats particularly love this spirit and she’s very fond of them. She will speak with all divination tools