Carina is the spirits to bring with you to help boost your confidence. If you have something important going on or just need help in general she is perfect. She is a younger women (32) and was very shy in her human life. This held her back from a lot of things that could’ve been she says. Growing up making friends was difficult because she had a fear people judged her so had high anxiety. When she was a young adult Carina really stuck to only what she knew, refusing to try new things. She dated one man her whole life and says she could never handle meeting his family so he eventually broke
It off. Carina never moved out of her parents home. Her siblings often were angry at her for this feeling she was using them. She says living in the moment you really don’t understand the detrimental things you are doing to yourself slowly. Carina says she died very slowly and it was the most pain ever but doesn’t say how.