So this little cutie is such a giggly and happy one year old little girl. I get the name Carmen with her but everyone calls her care bear. She was a very happy child and it’s probably because the attention was above and beyond. Both sides of her parents extended family were thrilled with the arrival of Carmen as she was. Miracle baby (not sure the history there). All I see is a minimum of 5-8 people around everyday just in awww with this little girl throughout the whole year! I literally feel like she was only put down to sleep! Regardless it made for a happy kid! It’s sad that for her cause
Of death is was chocking on an object that seemed
To come lose from a toy. I have gotten so so so many giggles from this little thing. I’ve also heard what sounds like momma and daddy but it’s not clear so can’t make out completely. I haven’t heard a single cry from her which is impressive!