This travel here is a lady who opens are third eye slowly but surely. She’s very good at opening it to positive spirits. Her name is Carrie and she is a young women in her early 30’s. Carrie says the paranormal has been a part of her life for as long as she can recall. Carrie says as a child there was always a spirit that followed her. It was a negative spirit as it would try to harm her. Her parents thought she was harming herself for attention. As she became older she learned there were tools to speak with these spirits. She did so to find it who and what this was. She dared to play with Ouija which made this spirit stronger. Eventually she would learn this spirit was a child molester and he just was lost. What’s shocking here is she let him stay with her! She claims he was confused as a human and regrets what he did! Carrie ended up marrying a man who was also convicted of charges against minors 😳😳😳. Like she explains to me we shouldn’t judge. Her husband was 18 and the girl 17 and her parents were against the relationship so in her eyes it was not what everyone assumes. They did have children together and she tells me he was a wonderful father. She also says this negative spirit was very protective of the family once the kids came and they all felt safe with him. Carrie passed away from trauma to the head when she took an awful fall! She said she tried to look for this man who has been with her all her life and he has crossed over.