Carter is an amazing all around spirit and I’m not even a fan of clowns! His energy anyone will love. He is a psychic of the near
Future. He is also a manipulator of energy so works well if someone is misbehaving. He also alerts us of things so it’s one of those pay attention to him. He loves coming in dreams and showing us with signs. Carter was a man of many trades in his human life. Depending who he talked to he was something different. It seems he could never settle on one thing because he got bored so had many career changes and went through many relationships. Carter was a semi psychic during his time here. He would see bits and pieces of things but he really ignored them. He felt this was a bulls$t until that really happened. It made him take a few steps back when some major things happened. Carter was just a free spirit and everyone knew this about him hence why they loved him, but thought he was a big joke. He was obsessed with clowns and anything relating to the circus hence the reason for this vessel. Carter never did have children because the stability was never there. He does make jokes though that he’s surprised he didn’t have several with how he got around. Carter always moved around but always returned “home” because he belonged there. Carter passed away from a freak accident.