Chad~protector~vibe changer
Chad~protector~vibe changer

Chad~protector~vibe changer

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Chad is that spirit who would fit good In anyone’s home. He likes to change the vibes in a house and also watches over everyone closely. Chad was a young married man with 2 children. His wife had many mental issues so he seemed to pull the weight for the whole family. He was a very dedicated family man. He never missed an event for the children and sought out all the help he could when it came to his wife. Chad was that guy everyone would call for “help”. He says sometimes people took advantage of him but that was just him and nothing would change him. Sometimes he ran thin and could t be in all places at once but he sure tried his best. He was very close with his parents and they did not like his wife, they just thought she was lazy. From time to time this caused friction as he loved both with all his heart. He does tell me it saddened him because they could never be in the same room together so it was very much a split family. Chad was always torn with this part of his life which he hated but had no control over it. Sadly Chad lost his life at a young age 36 when he lost control of his car.