Chloe is a spirit who won’t let you fail! She is good at
Giving off energy that motivates you to stop
Procrastinating. Chloe was always a go getter so she wants her owner to feel the benefits. Throughout her younger days she was always involved in some thing while not working. After college she was determined to see some of her most favorite countries. She raised money for several years before starting her journey to Europe and then South America. She wanted to understand the lifestyle they had compared to back home. She stayed with several different families and although a cultural shock at first it started to grow on her. She eventually took a job in South Africa teaching English. She thrived off the position and not only was helping those in need but they too helped her, it was a win win. She does say some living conditions absolutely devastated her and she would help as many hungry children as she could. Chloe doesn’t recall the night of her death as she was sleeping. She’s still unsure if it was a medical condition or something poisonous got her.