This little lady is named Clara. She is a travel spirit and a witch. Now with Clara she LOVES you being involved in the teachings of her magic. She is very capable of doing the spells but knows they are more powerful with your energy behind them. Clara will never say she was a witch in her human life. She does however tell me her neighbor was one. When her husband was gone at work she would sneak over and just gain a great amount of knowledge from this lady as it was very intriguing. Her husband would divorce her if he knew as his faith was number one. They were told he could never have children. When she informed her neighbor of the devastating news they suddenly became pregnant within a year. Now her husband praised god, she praised her neighbor. I also praise the neighbor 😂. Sadly she never met her little one. She had major problems during the pregnancy and hemorrhaged mid way through which she
Did not pull through 😩. Now I feel she is carrying on her neighbors legend.