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This is an infant boy. With him I get around 3-5 months as I don’t see movement such as crawling etc. I hear the name Cornell with him. I gather he was born to an addict of a mother. I see 7 other siblings and they all seemed to take care of each other while the mom was not around. I also sense a lot of neglect on this little one. Sometimes no feedings, crying non stop, dirty diapers, it’s really sad. The house seems in complete shambles. The mother had no compassion at all for any of the children. I do NOT know how these kids were not taken away. For his cause of death I believe it was some accident but not sure what. As with ANY infant or child spirit please have TIME for them. They need more attending to than an adult spirit. I have heard his faint cry’s. I’ve also felt very cold spots. The vessel has slightly moved a few times.