Galsa is a cranky bitch but oh a good witch to learn from! I’ve learned a lot of little things and taught how to focus more on your intent. Galsa is 68 years old and she’s very knowledgeable. She was a married lady with 6 children and was a housewife. She married at only 17 and never had education. Everything she learned about life was first hand. Galsa had a lot of internal struggles that she could never have addressed because this was not the norm then. She believes now it was a mental disorder. Galsa was unable to see our help as the finances weren’t there. She started to play around with spices and things all in her household because she always heard your mind is lower but must use it! She technically knew this was messing against one’s path but figured she’d try it. The more she she did the more she started to heal. In the mix her marriage became better, her husband made more money, her child was saved when he should’ve been dead from an accident. Now she won’t call herself a witch but as we all know it’s exactly what it is! She has also spends years and years perfecting the outcome of things, so take call it what you want. She was fortunate to meet some of her grand babies but not fortunate to watch them grow. She passed away peacefully while asleep.