This lady here is a medium that will help you communicate with the other side. Her name
Is Crystal and she doesn’t reveal her age. I have seen her full body apparition and she looks 40 or possibly 50. Crystal was NOT a medium in her human life and didn’t even have anything to do with the other side. I do not know how she became intrigued to help spirit/human communication. What she does tell me is there are ALOT of spirits that need our help and it needs to get done! Crystal sounds like she had a realllll boring life. She was married and she says her husband was so anti social so they stayed in the house majority of her whole marriage. They never had children. She didn’t have any friends. Her coworkers didn’t speak much to her. Even her husband didn’t speak much to her. So maybe since life was the same thing over and over with little communication this is why she is this way. She doesn’t talk about her death.