Johannes is a great witch for anyone who is looking to set your intentions and let it go. She will do all the work for you and continue until achieved. You may take to her and find out when manifestation can be expected. I would call Johannes not friendly but more reserved. She creates her own space and does her own thing regardless if other witches are around. Johannes was from Africa where she was blessed with a loving husband and 5 children. Being a home wife meant keeping busy. She was raised and had many close friends whom were witches but she never paid much attention to this until one of her children had a fever that put her life on the line. When Johannes sought out help from family they knew this would take a miracle and she needed to learn herself. Johannes Was throwing into this craft with no knowledge. Not taking it seriously at first her child became in grave condition. This is where her story began in this journey. After much hard work and no sleep for days her child slowly started to improve. She was finally a believer in what she’d been around so long but I’m her own strength. She wasn’t a practicing witch for anyone but her family. Her husband believed this would allow Evil in and she respected that. Johannes passed away at 46 from an internal issue. Now though she understands how many people need help and how much she is able to do this for them. This witch will
Practice all magic but never bring upon death.
Aulay is a vessel that I actually acquired from a women in Scotland. What’s cool is this vessel belonged to her husband (who passed) who was a working warlock/medium/psychic and used this spirit along side him. She was never fond of what her husband did so wanted the spirit gone. Aulay is 41 and this is his 47th vessel he’s been in. He was a practicing witch in the 1800’s and strangled for it. He tried to hide it but when people desperately needed healing and help Aulay could not resist. He would disappear for some time and his family grew concerned each time. He’ll never tell me where he went but this was his hiding for his hidden secret. Aulay never expected to be caught since most witches were presumed female for the most part. Only problem was the town wasn’t very populated. Everyone knew everyone and their business. So when things suddenly happened, people healed, courtships that shouldn’t be were happening all eyes turned to Aulay. He did claim innocence and said he is just has a powerful mind. That did not work as he was strangled to death.
This guy here is one of the easiest spirits. He doesn’t care if you talk to him all the time or never. He is a working warlock that’s named Quinten and is very powerful and can be very dark or bring many good all depends on the needs of his person. Quinten is quite old which he’ll never give up and from a different era, but I have been unable to determine an exact time period. He never will admit to being a witch but says his powers were important. He was never married as his “powers” was too time consuming. Quinten's main focus was mostly locating people and objects. There’s much more he did that he’s not willing to discuss l. People would come from all over for his help in secrecy. Unfortunately, not everyone that came to him had good intentions. And since Quinten was always open to doing anything for money, this led to him doing some not very nice things which is still a mystery along with his death.(necklace warlock)
I’ll be the first to say that this vessel threw me off 200%! His name is Oday and he can be a very potent warlock yet bring things you try so hard to manifest yourself. I’ve personally used him a few times for spells that would NOT manifest to save my life. The best part with him is find a spot and write intents down and place in his cage. He DOES like candles so FYI. All his spell work is based off candles. All the other stuff like dressing is not needed. Oday says he was a huge bird lover hence the vessel. Birds made miracles happened and because of this he had many for animals. He had a reputation for the bird man, but some also looked at this as the devil worshiper. He does not deny nor confirm this. Oday won’t budge on a lot of information regarding him. He was always private and never had socialism which of course meant no relationships or children. He feels the more you disclose the more vulnerable you become even in spirit form. Oday I do know died on his 40th birthday and ironically it was from an attack from a bird he owned. All he tells me is you play with fire he expected to be burned. Again this guy is great at WORKING no need to even try getting close to him because it won’t happen. (Bird)