Custom order- very antique doll
Custom order- very antique doll
Custom order- very antique doll
Custom order- very antique doll
Custom order- very antique doll
Custom order- very antique doll
Custom order- very antique doll
Custom order- very antique doll
Custom order- very antique doll
Custom order- very antique doll
Custom order- very antique doll
Custom order- very antique doll
Custom order- very antique doll
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  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Custom order- very antique doll
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Custom order- very antique doll
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Custom order- very antique doll
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Custom order- very antique doll
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Custom order- very antique doll
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Custom order- very antique doll
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Custom order- very antique doll
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Custom order- very antique doll
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Custom order- very antique doll
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Custom order- very antique doll
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Custom order- very antique doll
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Custom order- very antique doll

Custom order- very antique doll

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Harada is a beautiful vessel but don’t be fooled by it. This is a oni creature which is considered a demonic in Japanese. However it’s not like what we call demons necessary. They work for their humans and are very dedicated. My friend tells me Harada appears just like her vessel although her eyes seem to glow and her horse is horsy. Harada gives you enormous strength as a human which can come in handy. When you are pissed she will show it by altering the weather with thunder and lighting. She is able to drain all the energy out of the person you have in mind. She is able to pass off her telekinesis abilities to you allowing objects to move with your mind. When Harada tell you something about someone listen to her because she know peoples thoughts including their future plans which is good for an enemy to know their next move. She will go to anyone you ask not just enemies. Harada will play with electronics like no other. She has crashed some phones and computers of people my friend doesn’t like. As with any Oni creature she is capable of bringing on a non curable disease which can bring upon death! You want to reward any type of creatures when they work for you!


Leah is veterans dirty and dark witch. She plays very dirty when it comes to her workings that’s why I label her this way. She’s one that will do whatever needs to be done for the outcome you want. She calls herself a witch for over 100 years since she did pass in 1940. Leah was married to a man who was wealthy but very mean. She had 11 children and was expected to raise the family with the morals he wanted, the Family to present a certain type of behavior Im front of other. Leah was majorly stressed with all demands but back then you obey and don’t question. Leah grew angry, frustrating and started to lash out. She had a neighbor who was a practicing witch that nobody knew about. Leah was determined to find out what this could do for her and the children to protect her and the children. This lady took to her kindly and broke things down for her silly. She worked on her
For some time with getting rid of her evil husband and making sure she was Financially stable. Leah found herself infatuated with this new craft. She found herself
Doing it 24/7 and directed it at all sorts of people in town. Even her neighbor tried to stop her but there was no stopping her. Leah did much damage to people lashing out her anger. She did this until she died but loved it and still does it only now she’s stronger and wiser.


Dale can be an absolute ahole so I’ve learned with him the more you let him be the harder he works
For you. He’s very limited in his answers with me when I try to fin out about his life so obviously he was the same. Dale is a warlock who just likes to do his dark magic, the darker the better for this one. Dale was definitely not married or had children but he makes it known it was “her” fault. Dale was a practicing witch and not liked by anyone. His life was very traumatizing and this led him down this path. Only he chose this path for destruction, revenge and not personal gain. He does not speak of what took place but it carried
With him until his death. He has a whole list of names of people who affected his life in a bad way and he went after each one (at least 150). I would imagine he wasn’t liked based of his attitude? Dale did not keep a job long because there was always an issue with someone. He lived a dark life and neighbors were always trying to rid him they hated the Negativity. The more
People wanted him away the more his rage set in and he sought them out. He tells me dumb people don’t ever learn lol. Dale I’m getting the vibe was very powerful and feared but also disliked. He says had he not had that stroke the world would’ve been his and everyone his puppet.


Isabella is that spirit who can manipulate the hell out of someone and it’s rather impressive! She is 37 years old and has always known how to play this game with no shame. Isabella’s had 2 children and her husband left her for a younger women. Isabella admits after the children she let herself slack a tad but now she would come back better than ever. She was constantly doing things to try and always show off to her ex but it never worked. She lost a significant amours of weight, went to school and walked out with a much respected degree. Dated very wealthy men and had a lifestyle her ex had always wanted. She never really wanted any of these men but was hoping one would set off her husband, it didn’t. She went above and beyond where focus of her life faded. Her children were devoting problems while she ignored them. Her life was a hot mess but to an outsider it was glamorous. When her oldest daughter committed suicide she woke up and realized her self indulgence caused all this. Isabella felt the wrath of this for months and months. Her exact cause she won’t talk about but it’s clear as day it was intentional for the guilt.


Hera is a witch who manifest rather quickly. She does do all magic. Hera is beneficial also as she can be low maintenance or she can help teach you, she really doesn’t care either way. Hera is an older women but she is very wise. She knows all going on even if it’s not happening I’m front of her, she was also like this in human life. Some would call her the lady with eyes in the back of her head. Others called her from another planet because she helped people who confided in her yet they have no idea how. They would tell her their problems which ranged from money, marriage, infertility, desperation, you make it and Hera fixed it. Now Hera wont admit she was a witch then but that’s because this was forbidden however it’s clear as day when you listen to her. Hera still doesn’t label herself one she will dance around it when asked. She knows it’s still not widely accepted how it SHOULD be. Hers doesn’t speak alot of her personal life such as family and kids, she likes to keep the generations protected. She left out on a bad note and doesn’t talk of that either. I feel somebody wanted her gone.

 Kalka is a beautiful angel who is constantly watching over you. She follows you no matter where you are. She knows danger and will have you avoid it all at all cost. Kalka is here to stop you from doing harmful things because she only lets you damage your future so much. Anything that will have a permanent effect later on she won’t allow. So if you find yourself changing something out of nowhere this is actually Kalka. She is one who communicates in all forms such as feathers, numbers, and even dreams.


This lady here was given to me by the daughter of a practicing witch in Chile. Her mother worked side by side with this beautiful spirit who is a dark as deceiving witch. Her name is Amparo and she is 68 years of age. Her home country is also Chile where she was a witch many moons ago. She calls herself a Kalku witch and always has. She was a sorcerer who worked with some of the evilest forces. She was married and had 5 children along with raising other family members. All under the roof in the house feared Amparo. When she was angry she called upon the forces to help take care of business. If husbands or wives committed a sin and she heard of it the forces were brought out. She never worked good magic, the mote challenging things she needed to do the more negative energies she called upon. Not many people liked Amparo including her family but she wasn’t ever challenged. Amparo decided whom she wanted to help and who she wanted to disregard, you were lucky to receive her services. However, she would do services for those who she didn’t trust hence the deception. Only she would do them a disadvantage and they would have no idea until it hit them. Amparo never had mentioned her death and she is the type you take what she tells you and leave it at that. You can tell she doesn’t like to be questioned much.


(mask) This lady here means business. Her vessel is so pretty looking that it doesn’t match her personality! This is a witch who wants you to tell her bluntly what you need and leave her alone. Her name is Mariam and she is 57 and was from Mail. Mariam lived in very poverty town like most of her country. Her husband was majorly Ill most of his life and couldn’t provide for the family. Mariam was busy busy with the children but during certain times herself and a group of other witches gathered to make sure certain members disappeared during initiation ceremonies or elections. During these times the country feared the witches because many people disappeared. Mariam just says they needed to go but does not disclose why and where they went 😳. Her witchcraft was very much about sacrificing other things including people who were evil in the heart. Not many people knew much about this family because they remained to themselves. What they did know is she was to be feared and responsible for the unimaginable. Her name was forbidden to say because the theory was she had ears that could hear all. Mariam passed away at her own doing. Sue drank the blood of an animal for strength but that blood caused a reaction to her body.

Blanche is an old spirit being she’s been passed over 150 years ago. Blanche a witch and one who just enjoys the darker arts. She feels manifesting things always requires the forbidden. Blanche was married but the marriage was broken shortly after the start due to all the infidelity, but marriage was not an option. Even after the affairs she went on to have 7 children. Her husband disregarded the female children and wanted not much to do with them. He criticized every think a female did in the house and it was never good enough. Blanche was worn out over the years and couldn’t keep up with the expectations. She confided To her sister about this and leaned on her for moral support for many years to come. When her husband suddenly died one day from no appearance cause she was confused but relieved. Her oldest son stepped up and took him at the household but began also disrespecting her. Again she found herself leaning in her sister for support. Her son fell extremely sick and soon stepped down from his responsibility. Blanches sister passed shortly after this leaving her with enough wealth to not huge to worry. She lived a much simpler life as she entered her older years. The children were all gone and she was able to enjoy things she never had. Her death was natural. Since passing she had another soul waiting for her…. This is when she learned her sister was indeed a closet witch that would never tell anyone, not when Blanche. She has since taught her all there is to know about witches and the craft.

 Mary is a spirit who will just take you to another dimension with her energy. She is a healer of trauma, physical, mental pain, you name it. Mary is an older lady but says age is a number so don’t worry about it Alice (lol ok). She was married at a young age and everyone told them it would never work. 5 children and over 30 years of marriage she says proved them wrong. Mary sadly
Always had medical
Issues that caused the family a lot of set backs. She found herself constantly in and out of the hospital and never around for her children. They all supported her but of course this also had a toll on each of their lives. Her husband struggled to up keep the family belongings so they lost alot. Some of her children put their life on hold to be with their mother. Mary never complained though as to why her. She tells me why not her. What made her better than anyone else to not go through something. She fought a LONG hard battle with her chronic disease and succumbed it but she still is as happy as can be. 

This vessel here seems to have 4-5 spirits attached and it’s very hard to get bios because they are all dominating personalities and talk over each other! I say 4-5 because there’s one I’ve only heard twice and you will now from her VERY high pitched voice. Here is what I can tell you. There are 3 females and 1 male. The male for sure is the strongest. These are all witches and he is a warlock. They have seemed to all form this coven since passing and did not know each other in their human life. They all seek to have their own specialities and have very different accents so clearly from different countries. Their names I can never make out because out the background. So with this bunch write the intentions down and place under the vessel and let them work