Cynthia~ Great travel for emotional balance

Cynthia~ Great travel for emotional balance

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Cynthia is a good travel spirit to help us with emotional balance. This can range from stress, anxiety, depression, etc. Growing up she was always the black sheep of the family. Her siblings were always favored over her and she admits her only solution was crying out for attention. Sadly she did so in all the wrong ways. She had her first child at 16 which her father made her marry the man. She had her second child at 18. She tells me he was very abusive but he financially supported her and it was better than being at home. When she became older she found the courage to leave him. Raising two children alone was very difficult. She started to become very depressed and had hi anxiety from not financially being able
To support them. She soon would meet a man who had it all together. This went on for a long time until he became addicted to drugs l. She was now in a dilemma of always being evicted and having no food money. This was a CONSTANT rollercoaster for her but she refused to go through a second divorce and disappointment her parents. She’s not sure why but says the competition with her siblings remained and life became unbearable when they were all successful and she always struggled and made bad choices. Cynthia went so deep into her depression that there was no saving her. She did take her own life to escape this darkness. This is why she would be wonderful for someone who suffers