This lady here is a very fourth coming spirit. Her name is Darian and she is a witch who’s good to help baby witches and will do spells that are too advanced for you. Darien was a single mother to 5 children. Her ex husband left her to be with another women and never spoke to the children. She wanted revenge BAD. Her way of seeking revenge was to curse her ex husband. However, she was not experienced at all. She knew of a witch through a friend and sought out help. This witch felt Darian had the ability to be an excellent witch. So instead of putting a curse in her ex she helped Darien learn all about focusing
Her intent and putting it out in the universe. Darian struggled the first year but when she finally got the hold of it nothing stopped her. By this point she had realized it was better to leave the ex alone as karma would get him. What she did do however was create a FABULOUS life for her and the children. They lived very well and traveled all over. Sadly Darian passed away suddenly from she believes a stroke. She now wants to help someone as she knows the feeling of those that struggle