Sarafina is an energy that has to go to an experienced one. She is a dark vile witch who is wicked. There is nothing Sarafina doesn't know how to manifest. The nice thing about her though is she will work on your behalf completely or teach you her dirty secrets. Sarafina was always a practicing witch and not a well liked one by those who were against any form of witchcraft. She was also reluctant against the other witches in her town. After all there were many but most just posed as them for the tourist money. Sarafina did not take anyone's money nor do work for others. She used many different forms and mixed things up based off what she needed for personal gain. She was well off financially, completely protected mentally and comfortable in Her life. Her darker magic was used against those she felt were a threat or had done her wrong at one point. Sarafina was wise and one thing with that was she never forgot. She never had children or married but had the utter most love towards innocent children. Sarafina did pass away from natural causes back in the 1940's.