This lady is good to help you open your third eye when it comes to spirit communication. She gives me the name Deana and she’s in her 40’s. Deana was one who always was fearful of the paranormal. Growing up her house had a lot of paranormal that she constantly witnessed. Her parents never did believe her so it became to the point she started telling them. She would do anything to leave the home for some peace. When she was 18 Deana left the house immediately and would never return, not even to visit her family. Deana went on to live with roommates during her college years and even early professional life. She married at 29 to a man who was 52 😳. She insists this was love and I actually believe her since she was indeed established. They struggled to convince so eventually went to IVF which was successful after the 5th attempt. Sadly this pregnancy didn’t go well for her she passed away 2 months into this. She now understand that activity was spirits trying to just talk to her.