A perfect spirit to bring along and nobody would ever know! Jada deflects any bad energy and sends it back their way. This is a great spirit if you have some negative people around you. Jada was always a women who just didn't tolerate any s$it. Even at 37 she was still running her mouth and didn't care where she would end up. Jada never married but she did have a child. Her child passed away at age 5 and after this Jada lost it. She was angry and everyone she saw as an enemy. Jada had a huge heart inside but from the outside it wasn't easy to get in. Jada tried starting over many times but it was the same thing over and over. She knew at the end of the day her negative attitude played a role in many things. Jada went through some ups and downs especially with alcohol and some experimental drugs. She tells me it took the pain away, she says as nicer to people, people actually liked her, it felt good. Mixing all this though set her body up for failure.