This guy here gives me the name Douglas but likes to be called Doug. Doug is a watcher of the home especially at night I noticed. He likes to keep us safe and sound End it seems this is when he works his best. Doug tells me he married his dream girl which he knew was the one in fifth grade. They married right out of high school and started a family right away. Unable to conceive for many years they started to give up hope of a family. His wife finally became pregnant and they had their first daughter, both were infatuated with her. Thug‘s life was shattered only four years later when his wife and only child were in a fatal car accident. After this event Doug says he moved off the grid in the middle of nowhere so he can think. It sounds like he lived in the woods in a little cabin and lived based off survival skills.A group of young punks as he calls them did not know that Doug resided in the cabin, sadly they did set his place on fire while he was inside.