This lady here is a indeed looking for her next student! She is a wonderful witch who does all magic and will do the spells you wish of her. Her name is Elena and she will never tell me if she was it was t a witch in her human life. What she does like to tell me is what a sh$g show her life was! She had to grow up with a drug addict mother where she always had to hide her stuff in fear. her mother or her friends would steel it. She says her younger brother she always had to be the parent and keep him straight which unfortunately ended badly when he was paralyzed at 17 for hanging around the wrong people. Elena says in her young adult hood all the men she met were POS. Her father she found when she was older and turned out he was gay and wanted nothing to do with her still. From all her experiences she just grew bitter towards life in general I’d say. She didn’t have many female friends because she felt they carried them selves around like they were too good for her. Elena is always saying she wishes her whole life could’ve been someone else’s. Elena never did move out of her mothers as she always had to babysit her and would feel awful if something happened to her. She also never married (obviously). She tells me her cause of death seemed to be in line with how the rest of her life was. She was taken from a ruthless drug addict who she thought was her mothers “friend”.