Elizabeth is one of the top oldest spirits I’ve come across. Her vessel is large and very fragile. She can see the future but take NOTE that she will tell you things and not the other way around. Elizabeth was a lady from the late Medieval times (late 1400’s). This spirit will talk about all the history she has seen and gosh it’s ALOT. Elizabeth was a lady who. Came from a very wealthy family. Her parents did not have much to do with her and wanted her married off when she was only 12 😳. Another interesting fact she tells me is women were guaranteed to be virgins by the father (ugh I don’t ask more). I ask how she even knew love at that age and she laughs and informs me there was no love, it was an arranged marriage and she and her husband met the day they got married. After they married she her parents never spoke to her again. She was now living like a peasant women as her husband did not have much money. They had 11 children of which 4 passed away by age 5. Her husband was never to witness the birth as it took place in a private chamber. She tells me 4 of the children were sent away to serve others when they were her age of marriage (12). Listening to her is very interesting because the whole motherly nurturing did not exist then. Elizabeth had to put just as much work into the family farm as her husband did. It was as though they were trained to work and controlled by religion. Elizabeth never knew how to read or write as she was no longer of the upper class who deserved this treatment. Every night and sometimes multiple times a day it was her DUTY to submit to her husband which she thinks nothing of it when I ask her. I do NOT know what capital offense Elizabeth was found guilty of she won’t say but she was burned at the stake for her death. She does not see the generations getting any better and feels this era should’ve remained 😂