This spirit here is going to open your throes eye at a slow pace. I like she blocks out the negative energies also while opening it. Her name is Emmi and she’s a young women in her early 30’s. Emmi never worked in the spiritual realm as a human but now she sees the importance of being able for spirits/humans to communicate. Emmi was a married lady with 3 children. She was a faithful church goer and very dedicated to helping those in need around town. She did not work so when the children were at school she donated time at the local shelters and her church. One of her favorite things to do was cook and bring it to the places she donated time. Emmi says her husband wasn’t home often as he busted his a$$ to supported the family. Sometimes she was lonely but it was all worth it so she didn’t miss a moment with the children. Emmi was involved in a fatal car crash and tells me she’s thankful the kids survived.