Why Ethan chose this vessel you ask.... because he is the ultimate clown. He is a spirit who will just make you bust out laughing for no reason. He also likes to have fun around yourself house and make thumps or knock things over (don’t put by a picture frame he broke mine). Ethan with out a doubt was like this in his human life and don’t be surprised when he teases you on divination tools. He was a young man who wanted a career and to go “big” as a comedian. He often would go on weekend to local bars and even private parties to put on a show for a small crowd hoping to be recognized, but sadly he never did. He had many, many friends but deep down knew there were over half that was constantly taking advantage of him. He would always be the first one to come to someone’s rescue no matter time or day. Ethan was very close to his parents and when his mother passed not a single one of his friends were there for him which hurt him beyond words. Ethan stayed close and lived next to his father incase he needed help. That is until some cruel person started Ethans home on fire in the middle Night.