Eva is a good spirit to bring with you if you’re going into an unknown or not so good situation. She is a witch that practices on the go. Eva was a women who was very independent, she did not want any man to depend on she tells me. Eva comes from generations of Empaths and witches. She tells me her witch skills came naturally. Even as a child she would make things happen that people couldn’t explain, but she knew. Eva was a working women but when she became in her upper 20’s she wanted a change. She quit her job and set out to form a coven of witches. She tells me about traveling the world to form this coven of hers. Eva made this her full time job. She dedicated her whole life to the coven. They worked behind the curtains for MANY people who needed help. She was a witch of white and dark magic and remains that way. She never did have children and definitely had no time for a romantic relationship. Her coven worked around moons and holidays for their spells. She tells me all the members stayed together until death. Eva died of natural causes. She is just as powerful now as her human life as a witch