Kama is an Ifrit djinn who is aged 41,332 years of age. Majority of the time I have found working with older djinns they take longer to bond with and can be stubborn. Kamna however is complete opposite and reminds me of a younger djinn. She doesn’t want to be left alone and enjoys you wanting her along for company. She is intrigued on all going on in your life. She sees who’s in your life and evaluates them one by one. Children she will protect like no other as she understands they are fragile and helpless. You will notice random burst of energy come over yourself when she’s along side you, this is her letting you know it’s ok because she is there. Kamna is a powerful djinn and she basically scans your mind without you telling her your wishes. She does like her offerings which can be harsh or she even likes any kind of spices in the kitchen cabinet. As with all djinns be sure to invoke them and BOND and leave offerings. With a djinn they are an entity NOT a spirit so the bonding is different. You will talk to them more. Djinns can grant some of our most desirable wants. As with all djinns be VERY specific with what you WANT .Please know how to work with djinns or ask questions.