This lady here is named Fantine. She is a good money drawing spirit. Fantine always had money so she likes to see people not have to struggle. She was married to a wealthy man. However, she tells me she had money before even meeting her husband. When her parents passed they left her a large Inheritance which she didn’t even know they had! Even with all the money she had living frugal was her motto. She says simplicity made her life enjoyable. When she married a wealthy man they were night and day. He enjoyed lavish things. He would buy her new cars almost every few months. He had homes built all over the world for her. She says as much as she appreciated this gesture she didn’t utiliZe any of it. She never had children so donated all her money to charities when she passed. She wanted those in dire need to get the help they deserved. Fantine passed away from a fatal fall while she was exploring out of the country.