The one in pink is name Felicity. She is a witch that helps those just starting on their journey. You will learn the basics and then she will advance you to spell casting. One think I like about Felicity is she likes to make her own oils. She’s taught me how to make a few. Felicity was a very basic but lonely person. Growing up she was always the OutKast. Her parents were strict Catholics. She on the other hand never felt drawn toward this religion. When she started getting into Paganism her parents disowned her. She never Spoke to them again. She had a little job that she worked and came home. She was very dedicated to her religion (paganism). Not many understood her or cared to so she kept her distance. Men wouldn’t even look at her because she looked gothic and called evil. Sadly deep down Felicity was depressed and she ended up taking her own life. She chose this vessel because of its beauty something she never was. She loves playing with the flames in candles. She also likes to make her quick shadows. When my bathroom window is fogged up in my mirror and made faces in there. I’ve heard footsteps on my stairs with her