Phefa is a female djinn who is 11612 years of age. She is a very intelligent djinn that actually helps us out with the future. One thing with her is she is well aware what wishes will work for you and which will not, and trust me she’ll let you know. Phefa is easy in a way that she doesn’t require a constant bond. You can leave her be and she is ok with this. Her offerings she likes a combo off of food and candle/incense. She seems to be big on scented things so for food I usually choose something with a scent. As with all djinns be sure to invoke them and BOND and leave offerings. With a djinn they are an entity NOT a spirit so the bonding is different. You will talk to them more. Djinns can grant some of our most desirable wants. As with all djinns be VERY specific with what you WANT .Please know how to work with djinns or ask questions.