She is such a good luck travel spirit and she’s a very friendly, fourth coming spirit! She gives me the name Fennise and her mind is just all over the place! She was the exact same way in human life. She feels there’s was something wrong with her that went undiagnosed but doesn’t even care! She couldn’t hold her concentration long enough to complete things which included conversations. Because of this though she was always doing something new. Her husband always threaten to leave her because she was constantly spending their money but he never did because like she says she would’ve been irreplaceable. Fennise had a gift when it came to talent and she doesn’t go into details but she’s been offered major money which she declined . Fennise couldn’t have children and this was part of her wanting to always stay busy. She says after a few years of marriage the honeymoon wears off so be your own person. Fennise sadly passed away from an unexpected heart attack.