Candace is the perfect spirit for someone who needs financial growth in their life. This year she is 36 ad it changes on her birthday each year (Feb 1). She was a beautiful women but often downplayed this. She was a female who was truck drivers and was often judged for this. Little did people who didn't know her realize she came from a great amount of wealth and didn't even have to work. Instead she chose to do something that benefited others. She says truck drivers get our day to day goods to us and we underestimate them (very true). Candace had many other truck drivers especially men try to intimidate her but she stood her ground to them and soon word spread. She loved being on the road, meeting new people. Never married as she couldn't imagine being tied down. Her family didn't agree with her choice to work being the millionaires lived a completely different life style. She didn't want to associate herself with this money though and was actually ashamed of her family. Candace liked getting dirty and was all about equal equality. Some though did not like a women in the same industry doing a better job and climbing up the ladder. It actually cost her life when someone cut her breaks. To this day she has no idea who did that to her.