This little cute guy is name Gavin. Gavin is a good spirit to help us with high anxiety during our travels. Gavin is such a chill guy to talk with and so is his energy. Gavin was from California where he was a young man who had a child out of wedlock. He tells me his baby momma was impossible and was always an uphill battle with her. Regardless what she put him through the never gave up on his daughter. He says his ex was bat shit crazy and almost killed him with her car. He tried hard to get custody of his baby girl but couldn’t prove her to be an unfit mother. Gavin said he lived his life for his daughter but the ex made it impossible
For him to ever move on. She harassed any new female he brought around. She often would stalk him. Sometimes not even let him see his daughter. Sadly Gavin passed away from a heart attack at only 32. This guy is so awesome and he will for sure calm you down during this high anxiety times.