Grace ~ helps with HIGH anxiety

Grace ~ helps with HIGH anxiety

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This cute little vessel is perfect for travel. Her name is Grace. She was a single mother to a daughter who had severe anxiety so knows what this is like. She tells me her daughter Out of nowhere became extremely stressed and found it difficult to complete anything when she hit the age 14. Grace adjusted her whole life around her daughter. They would go shopping For necessities when the stores were empty, she also pulled her out of school and was tutored by a lady she trusted. Grace tried years and years to get her daughter help and brought her to different professionals and nobody had an answer. She felt awful and helpless for her daughter. This made it difficult for Grace to even bring friends let alone a romantic interest over to the house. As her daughter became older and nothing was changing and Grace started to get somewhat of a panic attacks because she was faced with the fact her daughter would never have a normal life. She would spend countless nights staying awake thinking what she could do to help but never had an answer. Not many people understand what she went through so as far as a support system for Grace there was nobody. Graces daughter ended up taking her own life at age 19. After this Grace felt like one of the worst mothers regardless of what anyone tried to tell her and she also took her own life shortly after her daughter.