Reserved - CA- ends 8/30
Reserved - CA- ends 8/30
Reserved - CA- ends 8/30
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Reserved - CA- ends 8/30

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This is a spirit to help you grow with your business/work. Her name is Lina. A new mother and divorced after only 2 years left her determined. She was a stay at home mother with no job and realized this would not support her daughter or self. She tried job after job and they were all discriminating against her being she was a new mother. Unable to prove it Lina wanted to be her own boss. She would think of what she called brilliant inventions but each investor shot her down. This is when she would start up her own business. Lina created things geared towards babies. Her business took off in the later of a year. She was able to enjoy time home with her child and was starting to live a life she would have never expected. One of her international trips half way around the world took a deadly turn though when she fell victim of a robbery.