This is a vessel you can wear or carry along with you as she is a good luck spirit. She gives me the name Harper. Harper was a very happy married women. She says no other women was in love with Their husbands like she was. Her family and friends were not fond of the marriage. Her admits that her husband cannot keep a job So she had to work twice as hard to support the family. They never had children because financially it would be a disaster. She didn’t mind one bit supporting her husband but with the family and friends truly disliked Was he sat home and did nothing. Harper swears she passed away from what she believes was a broken heart after her husband cheated on her and left her for the mistress. She never remarried or even dated after that happened, instead she hid herself away from the world and spent her time building a beautiful garden dedicated to this man! She really regrets Cutting off her family and friends as this was not fair.