Malia is a spirit who helps heal deep emotional wounds. Her mother was a prostitute and her father a substance abuser. She did not grow up in the healthiest of homes. Whatever the children needed was up to them on figuring it out. Malia made many mistakes growing up because of the way she was raised. She won't speak of many. One thing though she's proud of is her daughter. Malia was sadly the victim of rape and ended up pregnant. At first she was disgusted and ashamed. With counseling and the support of a man who loves her she realized everyone was the victim in the situation. She went on to marry the man who made her life normal and was the families rock. Her child experienced normalcy unlike her. Malia also was able to stay home with her daughter and enjoy every moment of being a mother. When her husband was brutally murdered their whole world changed instantly. She was not able to work through this heart ache