Healer of health

Healer of health

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Sara is a spirit who helps heal all your health concerns you are experiencing. What I like about her is she actually experienced it herself while on earth. Sara was only 34 at the time of her death and it's still unknown from what. She had a pretty miserable life. At birth the Dr's knew she wasn't normal but had no idea what her diagnosis was. She didn't look like others and didn't grow like others. Growing up she was always in severe pain which her parents tried to find out why. She went to many medical professionals and they were always experimenting, which seemed to make it worse. Sara was never able to finish school let alone leave her parents home. She needed instant assistance which of course she hated. Sara was ashamed but she also knew it wasn't her fault. She literally spent her life in pain and constant drugs or surgeries. Sara never experienced one thing normal. She sadly passed away in her sleep from this mysterious battle she foughtZ